Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So, you hear all the time how when someone gets an idea or even when something someone has struggled with finally clicks, that it is like a light had finally turned on. This light is usually expressed as light bulb above ones head. Well, I have one of those, but my is referred to as the DON'T CARE LIGHT. It is always there, but not always on.
Yesterday for example, I got a call from the Jr High that my son was in the sick room (this was 20 minutes before school got out, by the way). I was out doing some much needed errands and just decided I honestly couldn't get myself to care (mind you he wasn't barfing, bleeding, dying nor did he have a broken bone which are the basic rules for me to come pick up a kid early).  When I did show up, school was getting out, the office didn't seem impressed with my explanation of my "don't care light" when he isn't heaving and that it was so close to the end of the day.... Maybe I should have kept my don't care light to myself...

*BTW Point- He wasn't really sick, no fever. In his slight defense he said his throat hurt but, as he was in his last class of the day his teacher asked if he was okay and he said he thought he had strep throat (he does not, and never has) so she immediately sent him down to the office. He said his teacher said he had strep, I laughed at this and explained to him that just by looking at someone you cannot tell they have strep (no one looked in his mouth, though I do realize that most time you need a throat culture to actually determine if you have it). I also tried to explain to him about self diagnosing as well as throwing around sickness' that haven't been determined by a medical professional. During this Ben was blowing bubbles with his spit (nasty I know) and had bubbly spit around his lips (ick), so I self diagnosed that Ben has rabies to point out how silly it all was. Needless to say Ethan didn't find or see the humor. Ahhh.. the joys of a tween....

1 comment:

Keegan Chaos said...

Around our house we call it our 'Give a damn' mine is usually broken and the parts are always on backorder.