Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Week Of Early Out

This week my kids have early out week. So Taylor is out at 10:50a and the others are out at 1:25p. It is really driving me crazy, not that the kids are bad necessarily but I am running carpool this month too and I am getting tired of dropping off and coming 2 hours later to pick up one, then 2 hours later to pick up 4 more (neighbor kids+mine). I really don't like early out week (happens a couple of times a year or so). I would rather the kids go Mon-Wed and have Thursday and Friday off. Many of the teachers agree and are hoping to change the policy (we will see...), admittedly they are getting much done themselves.
Also it is also SEP conferences and my kids are doing great. That is always nice to hear. Ethan is reading on a sixth grade level and Katie is reading on a fifth (both above average). Taylor is doing great in her reading program too. It is so nice to have older kids help with out, especially with reading. Taylor has really taken off. If you can't tell I am very proud.

1 comment:

Collings Family said...

Ughh! Early out drives me crazy too! I can't wait to have a reg. sched. again!