Friday, January 15, 2010

Peanut Butter and cats

So today, as I was making some lunch, our cat like always was meowing, rubbing against my legs then trying to climb up my leg to see what I had. Now of course this is a common occurance that I would normally just lightly push him away and continue on with what my task at hand is.
Well, not today. I had some peanut butter (just a teeny amount) on my finger and thought, "do cats like peanut butter, like dogs do (at least our dogs while growing up did)? I bent down, let him sniff. He didn't seem to interested, but he sat there staring at me and meowed again. So I took my finger, with the peanut butter, and placed it in his mouth wiping it (the peanut butter) on the roof of his mouth.
It was quite funny. I don't think he enjoyed it and I thought, "now he will leave me in peace". I was wrong. Once he was done he came back meowing. Did he want more? Or did he just want an ice cube to play with (yes, my cat loves to play with ice cubes and tries to climb the freezer to get his own).
So I pose this question do you have a funny experience with peanut butter and a cat?

1 comment:

Collings Family said...

Mom mom used to always give our cats their pills coated with peanut butter. That post brought back some memories!
Was good to see ya yesterday!